Founders' Archives
Physical description




Family information
Family members

Alpert family

"You might want to pass the word on to Dr. Alpert as well so she can get her daughter and grandchildren out of town before it's too late."
Theophilia Flowers[src]

Ms. Alpert (fl. 1992) was the daughter of Sophia Alpert. She had a romantic relationship with a man at some point, which led to the births of her two children Tyrone and Jayneela. She lived in Fell's Church, Virginia with her children, and possibly their father.[1]

Behind the Scenes[]

""You might want to pass the word on to Dr. Alpert as well so she can get her daughter and grandchildren out of town before it's too late.""

In The Return: Shadow Souls Ms. Alpert is described as being alive but in The Return: Midnight[2] it's established that Sophia adopted Jayneela and Tyrone after their mother died of cancer.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Theophilia Flowers: You might want to pass the word on to Dr. Alpert as well so she can get her daughter and grandchildren out of town before it's too late. (The Return: Shadow Souls - Chapter 21)
  2. The Return: Midnight Matthew Honeycutt: He knew she was a good woman, and a good caretaker, who had adopted her daughter's young children when their divorced mother had died of cancer.